IKO-Ball * IKO-Loop * Home Gym * Work With Us
THE IKO-FIT SHOP is currently closed.
Please feel free to view this page to see our product line,
but do not use it to create an order.
If you are interested in the IKO and want more information go to:
50% Coupon Discount Intro Offer
Free Intro Video
“How The IKO-Ball Helps You
Move Pain Free,
Have More Vitality,
And Feel More Joy!”
For more information or special orders contact me.
[email protected]
or text me at 914 282 8791
and we can set up a time to talk.
C Major

Strut Size |
Elastic StrengthSize |
Qualities |
Unique Movement Explorations |
24 in X 3/4 In |
9/16 mmModerate |
3rd Chakra |
Roll Ups |
Structured Space |
Rhythmic Shaking |
Medium Size Movement |
Interoceptive Body Waves |
“When I am tired, need to rejuvenate, this is my choice.” BB
In Stock
A Minor

Strut Size |
Elastic StrengthSize |
Qualities |
Unique Movement Explorations |
12 in X 1/2 In |
5/16 mmLite |
2nd Chakra |
Plank |
Personal Space |
Hiko with the IKO |
Continuous Movement |
Shoulder Opening |
“This is the most versatile of all the IKOs” BB
In Stock
D Major
The Tardis

Strut Size |
Elastic StrengthSize |
Qualities |
Unique Movement Explorations |
36 in X 3/4 In |
9/16 mmNylonStrong |
5th Chakra |
All Flloor Work |
Templatal Space |
Upper Body Spirals |
Large Supportive Movement |
Inside Out Elasticity Training |
We call it The Tardis because that’s what it is!
The Transporter” BB
Special Order
B Minor
Queen Bee

Strut Size |
Elastic StrengthSize |
Qualities |
Unique Movement Explorations |
12 in X 1/2 In |
5/16 mmModerate |
Heart Chakra |
Inner Sensing |
OpenFluidSpace |
Gentle Pulsations |
Gentle Open Movement |
Elasticity Training |
“I LOVE the B minor!” EAB
Special Order
Mudra Minor
For Everyone

Strut Size |
Elastic StrengthSize |
Qualities |
Unique Movement Explorations |
6 in X 3/4 In |
3/16 mmLite |
1st Chakra |
Verticals |
Inner Core Space |
Spins |
Strong Interior Movement |
Perfect 10 Minute Break |
“Immediately aligns you in time and space” BB
In Stock
The IKO-Loop
The Cocoon

Size |
Elastic Strength |
Qualities |
Unique Movement Explorations |
48 in X 36 In |
Soft & Supportive |
6th Chakra |
Roll Ups |
Fluid Space |
The Cocoon |
Irregular Movement |
Indetermined Body Waves |
“Support is everywhere. Wrap yourself up and all is good.”
Work with us…

If you are interested in deepening your Tensegral Fascial Intelligence cllick here and schedule a FREE call with us.

Coherence Meditation
Breathe Into Relationship All Aspects Of Your Being As Your Core.
74 Main Street, Phoenicia NY 12416
8454 688 3050